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BCA Medal of Honour…a legacy

 Read more about our medalists
and their amazing endeavoursclick here

The People’s Honours List 2024 – The British Citizen Award 

Congratulations to all medalists and welcome to BCA family

We are delighted to announce the 28 individuals making up the 2024 People’s Honours List. Each individual was presented with their Medal of Honour at a prestigious ceremony at the Palace of Westminster on 18 January 2024.

This special group were presented with their medals by TV presenter and journalist Matt Allwright, together with an impressive array of senior individuals from the BCA supporters’ community including One Stop, Specsavers, Places for People, Objective HR, Big Bus London, and, Uniserve.

The latest group to be honoured with the BCA, have collectively, supported their varied and divergent causes for a staggering 401 years, raised in excess of £12 million, and positively impacted over 63,000 people.

Massive congratulations to each and every one of our Jan 2024 honourees.


CONGRATULATIONS to another 3 BCA and 3 BCyA Medalists
who have now been recognised by the Cabinet Office:

Read their stories here:

 Tony Hudgell BCyA (2021) – BEM

Travis Frain BCA (2023) – OBE

Allan Bell BCA (2021) – MBE

Elly Neville BCyA (2016) – BEM

Louis Johnson BCyA (2016) – BEM

Moira Brock BCA (2022)- BEM

BCA/BCyA OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS (Free to enter)  – click here

The Rt. Hon. Secretary of State for Education,
 Gillian Keegan
Reaching the highest level..

We were delighted to be joined by the Rt. Hon. Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan at our most recent British Citizen Youth Award – BCyA ceremony at the Palace of Westminster.

The Secretary of State applauded the divergent endeavours of all 24 medalists and stated how uplifting and emotional it was to witness so many young people making such a positive impact on their communities.

Now in it’s eighth year, the Medal Presentation ceremony honours a select number of individuals each year, and also recognises one youth group with The Dame Mary Perkins Youth Group honour. The Secretary of State presented five of the 24 medals and congratulated every single medalist on being selected to receive their honour.



The latest group of exceptional individuals to receive The British Citizen Youth Award – BCyA have generated a staggering amount of media coverage in just a few days since the presentation ceremony at The Palace of Westminster.

Between them, the 24 individuals and the Dame Mary Perkins British Citizen Youth Group, have reached an audience of over 40 million. There have been appearances on TV, Radio and many have been featured in national and regional newspapers and some have appeared in a dedicated double-page spread in the foremost newspaper for young people, First News.

First news Editor-in-Chief and Patron of The BCyA, Nicky Cox MBE, presented medals to five of the 24 being honoured at the presentation ceremony on 16th October 2023. To round off proceedings, the official ceremony was followed by an Open Top Lap of Honour Tour taking in some of the iconic sites of Westminster, and showing off our medalists to the throngs of onloookers.

Extraordinary commitment…

The latest 24 special individuals honoured with a BCyA at the Palace of Westminster have collectively shown exceptional commitment to their causes. Each of the medalists, all under 18, had committed considerable time, energy, and shown tenacity in support of their various causes.

The combined time that these individuals have committed, equates to 96 years and 8 months, which is the equivalent to exactly one third of their entire lives! If that is continued going forward, their impact is going to be even more substantial than it already is.

Between them, those selected to receive The British Citizen Youth Award -part of The People’s Honours – have raised over £851,950 for causes as diverse as Street Kitchens to provide welfare packs as well as food parcels, to paying to make someone’s final wish come true before they pass away. The initiatives covered climate change, youth voices, journaling for mental well-being, post boxes to heaven, and lots more. To read the full list of all their achievements, click here.


In addition to the 24 individual medalists, ‘Bright Minds Big Futures’ (BMBF) group of young people are honoured with The Dame Mary Perkins British Citizen Youth Group  on the 12 October. This unique accolade is only open to groups of young people aged under 18. Only one group is selected each year to receive this honour and were be presented with an Official Mounted Medal Presentation Plaque and Certificate’s of Recognit

Congratulations to Bright Minds Big Futures’ (BMBF) Group


The British Citizen youth Award

The Dame Mary Perkins British Citizen Group Award


The British Citizen youth Award – BCyA – part of The People’s Honours

Nominate a young individual to receive the coveted British Citizen youth Award – BCyA  (Age: under 18 ). Successful nominees will be invited to the Palace of Westminster to be presented with their medal of Honour by international singing star Kimberly Wyatt of the Pussycat Dolls in October 2024. Make sure you have completed and submitted your online nomination before the 21st August 2024.

The Dame Mary Perkins British Citizen Youth Group‘ recognises one group of young people. You can nominate a local group from your region for the 2024 honours by completing the form here.

The British Citizen CEO Award – BCAs

Excellent opportunity to recognise your colleagues…

Do you want to recognise individuals in your workplace community for exceeding expectations, for going the extra mile, for helping others to excel, or perhaps for their work in the community, volunteering or fundraising? Well, if so, we have an exciting opportunity which gives you access to recognising them with the most prestigious civil accolade in existence.

Through partnering with The People’s Honours, CEOs can now recommend people in their organisation for a Medal of Honour through our Briths Citizen CEO Award – BCAs programme. Click here to find out more or email

10th Year Anniversary in 2024

Help us celebrate our 10th anniversary

For the remainder of 2024 we will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary of The People’s Honours and The British Citizen Awards. One way that our medalists can get involved is letting us know what has happened to you since receiving your accolade.

You can email, video message or send us information. To video message all you need to do is set your phone to record (please make sure the recording is made in landscape) and relive the moment you received your People’s Honour, how it felt, what the day was like, and then give a short overview of what has happened since.

Tell us how the BCA has helped open doors, initiated conversations, or resulted in unexpected outcomes. We will post a selection of the videos on our YouTube channel, and may use them as inspirational messages to our next cohorts of medalists in 2024. When you recorded your video, just email it as an attachment to


Our Medalist in June 2023 reached over 9 million readers, viewers and listeners

Media coverage of the June 2023 group of medalists recognised with the UK’s most prestigious civil accolade, The British Citizen Award, has now reached over 9 million people.

Appearing on TV, in the national newspapers, on radio and local newspapers means that the worthy causes supported by our 26 amazing medalists achieve even more awareness, often leading to increased support.

Across the UK, The People’s Honours have literally been making headlines. Many of the stories are accompanied by images depicting the individual receiving their medal from TV personality Matt Allwright and one of the sponsors from One Stop, Specsavers, Places for People, Objective HR or Uniserve. The British Citizen Award truly has a national footprint at a local level, feel free to share your media coverage with us by emailing it to

BCA Medal of Honour…a legacy

Nominate – 04 July 2024 Medal Presentations

The British Citizen Award – part of The People’s Honours  

Whether active fundraisers, charity workers, volunteers, or stalwarts of the community, people are selected in eight different disciplines for their commitment, determination and positive impact.

Whilst we provide these deserving individuals with a day to remember at The Palace of Westminster, the capital’s seat of democracy, the use of the post nominal, BCA,  serves as a life-long recognition of their achievements.

BCA Medal of Honour…a legacy


 June 2023 Medalists

Welcome to The British Citizen Award Family.

On the 29th June 26 individuals were honoured with The BCA – part of The People’s Honours – at the Palace of Westminster. 

These 26 amazing individuals are collectively responsible for fund raising over £7 million, have positively impacted the lives of over 270,675 people and have been devoted to their causes for a staggering 396 years. Welcome to the BCA Family.

Read more about our medalists and their amazing endeavoursclick here


Contributions made by a group of young  people only

NOMINATE A GROUP FOR 2024  click here

We would like to Congratulate the YOUTH LEADS UK – #BeTheChange

who were honoured on the 20th October 2022


January 2023 British Citizen Award Medalists

Welcome to The BCA Family.

On the 26th January 29 individuals were honoured with the British Citizen Award (BCA) at the Palace of Westminster. 


Read more about our medalists and their amazing endeavoursclick here


October 2023 Medalists

Welcome to The British Citizen  Award (BCA) Family.

On the 20th October 25 young individuals were honoured with the British Citizen Youth Award (BCyA) at the Palace of Westminster. 

Read more about our medalists and their amazing endeavours – click here



January 2022 Medalists

Welcome to The British Citizen  Award (BCA) Family. 

On the 24th March 27 individuals were honoured with the British Citizen Award (BCA) at the Palace of Westminster. 

Read more about our medalists and their amazing endeavours – click here

The British Citizen Honour

would like to give a huge Welcome to

Nick Knowles

“I’ve seen the power of communities coming together and the significant difference kindness can make.

Read Nick’s message to our Medalist…click here