—Entry Regulations

Please note that these regulations apply across all honours – BCA, BCyA, BCAs & The People’s Honours and are inter-changeable across all programmes and classifications

The British Citizen Award is presented to individuals who have positively impacted society and have been deemed to have made a significant contribution by the Independent Assessment Panel. The Panel reach their decisions based on the information contained in the Nomination Form, any personal experience they may have of such endeavours as contained in the nomination form, and any information in the public domain or provided as ‘Supporting Evidence’.

  • 1. Every nomination must be seconded, and one of either the nominator or seconder must not be related to the nominee. (Nominations from organisations, where the senior leader in the organisation has made the nomination and he/she has first-hand knowledge of the nominee either by way of employer or CEO of a charity, no seconder is required under these rules, but a seconder is always preferred).
  • 2. Those submitting a nomination agree to the nomination being scrutinised by the Independent Assessment Panel for the purposes or corroborating the information provided and to carry out due diligence.
  • 3. It is incumbent upon the nominator (who must be aged over 18-years) and the seconder (who must be aged over 18-years) to supply only facts that they know to be true. If the nomination includes any facts which could later be deemed to render the nomination as false, untrue, exaggerated, or inappropriate, The People’s Honours reserve the right to suspend or rescind the Award and remove the nominee from any Roll of Honour that the nominee appears on at its own discretion.
  • 4. Should the nominee act in any way, now or in the future, that could deem to bring the Award into disrepute, The People’s Honours reserve the right to suspend or rescind the award and remove the nominee from any Roll of Honour. Such actions which may be deemed to bring the award into disrepute and may result in the rescinding of the Award include, but are not limited to: false claims, omission of criminal history, lying on the nomination form, falsely signing the declaration, or if the nominee is imprisoned, acts violently or is involved in public disorder, slander, anti-social behaviour whether physical or online, hate crime, racism, terrorism.
  • 5. If The People’s Honours receives opposition to the awarding of a BCA to any individual, it can, at its own discretion, enter into an investigation and reserves the right to address such opposition as it sees fit.
  • 6. If a complaint is made by a third party, or the nominee brings the Award into disrepute, The People’s Honours will usually give a Right of Reply unless there exists such evidence in the public domain as to unequivocally support the complaint. In the case of the latter, The People’s Honours may suspend the Award at its own discretion while investigations take place. During suspension of the Award, the nominee should desist from using the BCA post nominal if requested to do so. If the award is rescinded, the nominee will be removed from the Roll of Honour and required to desist from using the BCA post nominal forthwith.
  • 7. In the event that The British Citizen Award undertakes an investigation into a complaint or opposition it will either a; uphold the original decision, b; refer back to the Independent Assessment Panel for their input; c; consult the awardee to modify the behaviour; d; amend the citation on the Roll of Honour; e; suspend the Award until further notice, or f; rescind the Award. The British Citizen Award has full discretion over these actions.
  • 8. In the event that a BCA is rescinded, there is no course of appeal, and no further nominations for the nominee will be considered.
  • 9. Nominees who are not selected to receive the BCA must wait for one calendar year to pass before any subsequent nomination can be submitted, any subsequent nomination must contain significant contribution from the nominee during the ensuing year.
  • 10. Nominations may be submitted by any individual over the age of 18 years and submitting to The People’s Honours online. Nominations are welcomed for all Citizens from any cultural background who have the right to reside in the UK.
  • 11. Always complete the nomination form accurately clearly stating the reasons for your nomination.
  • 12. We are unable to enter into correspondence on the merits of a particular nomination while it is being considered or if it does not succeed. We may ask you to provide more information about the candidate to enable a final decision.
  • 13. We will inform nominees regarding the status of your nomination but regret to tell you that the BCA Independent Assessment Panel’s decision is final.
  • 14. Any false claims, exaggerated claims, falsehoods contained in the nomination may render the nomination void and result in the rescinding of the BCA.
  • 15. There is no age limit for The People’s Honours, except under 18’s can only be nominated for The British Citizen Youth Award.

The eligibility requirements:

  1. The candidate must have the right to reside permanently in the UK but does not have to hold British Citizenship and may be from any cultural background.
  2. Nominations are welcomed from candidates who have significantly impacted others in their community or workplace.
  3. Non-British nationals will be considered for a BCA provided their contribution has positively impacted British Society, Communities or Citizens.
  4. Each nomination is appraised by the BCA Independent Assessment Panel who will assess each candidate and recommend those suitable for a Medal of Honour (BCA/BCyA).
  5. Those recognised with a KBE, OBE or MBE are ineligible to be considered for a BCA. Those with a BEM or King’s Award are eligible. Those awarded a BCA are not exempt from the King’s Honours system.