Matt Allwright, Tyler Murphy BCAv and Dame Mary Perkins, Specsavers
Founded by Dame Mary Perkins and her husband Doug in 1984 with one vision – to provide affordable, fashionable eyecare for everyone, at a time when high prices for optical care and limited choice were the norm.
Their spirit of British entrepreneurship revolutionised the industry and today Specsavers is a well-known high street retailer with 2,000 stores in ten countries around the world, including more than 300 stores in Australia and New Zealand.
Wherever in the world we operate, we’re passionate about giving back and working with our local communities.
“All the nominations have, behind the scenes impacted on the lives of those around them and deserve public recognition from the ‘people’s honours’, the British Citizen Award, who will bestow a medal and the right to use the letters BCA.
“I thank you for making our world more human with your acts of goodness”.
Dame Mary Perkins,
Founder, Specsavers