We would like to express our thanks to the growing number of BCyA Ambassadors. Each has either received a BCyA Medal of Honour for their exceptional endeavours or attended a Medal Presentation Ceremony in an official capacity.

Our Ambassadors speak with one voice and are our most loyal supporters in all regions of the British Isles. They are true to our core values – transparency, integrity, determination, achievement – and promote and support the BCyA at every opportunity and we are truly grateful to them.

Reece Ryan BCAv, BCA Ambassador

Louis Johnson BCyA
Louis has spent most of his young life raising funds for local charities. His recent fundraising for local hospice ‘CRY’, was used to fund the latest Electrocardiogram (ECG).

Nicholas Nikiforou BCyA
Nicholas started an initiative to design and print cards with uplifting artworks and handing them to the public. The cards advocate anti-bullying, equality and kindness. This was borne from his own challenges from being severely bullied .

Tyler Ford BCyA
Tyler is a champion Kick Boxer and sought after actor, however he remains humble and caring. When a friend was hospitalised for an extended period of time, Tyler set about fundraising to provide a mobility aid so that his friend could go outside.

Ruben Evans-Guillen BCyA
Evans-Guillen BCyA
Twins Ruben & Elena embarked on a year long running target of 100km for the ‘Making Waves Project’. They have emotionally moved, inspired  and captivated their community.

Reece Ryan BCAv, BCA Ambassador

Montgomery Lord BCyA
Monty is also an Ambassador to the UK Charity ‘Young Active Minds’ and credits much of his achievements to the principles of integrity, determination, achievement & leadership embodied in the ethos of the BCyA.

Junior Frood BCyA
Despite being bullied for his love of dancing, Junior has used his talent to raise money and to help others. Over the last three years Junior has raised a staggering £250,000 for local hospices for children with life-limiting illnesses and disabilities.

William Sears BCyA
William has always taken an active part in his community and is delighted to be BCyA Ambassador. After suffering a haemorrhagic stroke, William joined the Young People’s Forum for GOSH where he raises awareness and funds for both GOSH and Roald Dahl Nurses Charity.

Heather Bryson BCyA
Heather provided an intergenerational lifeline with her exercise classes for people living with disabilities, community gifting and re-cycling projects.
Heather completes live zoom classes for care homes especially people living with dementia.